This is the place for facts and figures that really don't fit in anywhere else (or they do, but
are worth listing again) - and, as always, let me know if you have anything worth adding.
Towards the end of the 1959/60 academic year, Bill Egner suggested that members of the Sixth
Form might like to wear a different blazer badge. This would replace the traditional lifeboat
design and reflect the special position of the Sixth Form in the school (although its real purpose
was probably to encourage the older pupils to continue to wear school uniform).
Experts in Heraldy and Archaeology at Durham University pointed out that if a shield-based
design were to be chosen, it ought to conform to the laws of Heraldry and be approved and registered.
The time and expense was thought not to be justified, so a number of non-shield designs were
Mason painted these at full size to best judge the overall effect, and the chosen design (left)
was by Lionel Masters and Brian Lawrenson. It consisted of St Hilda's Cross in yellow on a navy
blue background - this (more properly known as a Croix Fleurée) reflected both Bede's
history in the area, and St HIlda's church. Top left was the Roman eagle in silver (reflecting
the Roman history of the town), and top right was a small yellow lifeboat above blue and silver
waves (reflecting the sea and the town's lifeboat history).
This badge eventually became the school's emblem, albeit with a much thinner (and less correct) cross.
In about 2007 it was replaced by the more "modern" logo on the right, retaining the light blue and gold, and the lifeboat.
Most of those who attended the school in Harton will have seen the headmaster's table and chair,
and the "Brooks Memorial Lecturn" on the stage - but only those who attended from
the mid-50s onwards would have questioned the design of them.
If you
look at the photo on the right you'll see the strange slope to the table uprights and top, and
the base of the lecturn. In fact these were all cut at 4 degrees, as were the legs of the chair
... why?
Because, before the stage was moved from its original position at the north end of the hall,
it had a rake of about 4 degrees - by designing these with a built in 4-degree slope, they would
sit squarely upright.
The slope of the lecturn was less of a problem than the slope of the table, which caused Mr
Egner considerable frustration (and he, and subsequent Heads appear to have decided that having
it slope away was better than having it slope towards you).
Of course, it would have been a trivial task to get the woodwork department to add small wedges
underneath the table's feet, the chair legs and the lecturn - but for some reason, it was never
Lord Runciman, one of the very first boys to attend the old Boys' High School, became an MP.
he was married to Hilda Stevenson, who also became an MP, and between them they became the first
husband and wife to sit together in the House of Commons.
South Shields' Charter of Incorporation (as a municipal borough) was granted in 1850, and the
Mayor and Corporation set about forming standing orders and bye-laws, and designing the insignia.
Shields poet and artist, Robinson Elliott, designed the seal, and a coat of arms with a lifeboat
at its centre. Then came the question of a motto. Robert Ingham countered the normal tradition
by proposing an English motto ... "that is what our Lifeboat and its Brigade are: Always
Ready". And so, this was adopted as the borough's motto (although one person had suggested
"Few words, Much work").
When the Boys' High School was looking for a motto, it turned the town's English motto into
Latin. The negative of the negative nunquam (also spelt numquam, and meaning never)
was chosen ... non nunquam is a weak form, and really means "sometimes" ...
nunquam non is the strong form, and means "always". And parati means
"prepared". So I suppose the school's motto really reads "not never prepared".
... was by Old Boy, Dr FE Chapman, brother of Sir Robert Chapman, in the International between
England and Wales on 15th February, 1910. England won by 11 to 6.
Compulsory school uniform was introduce in September, 1956 and the standard school tie seems
not to have been quite so "standard", as some ties slope down from right to left and
some from left to right. - as this picture (from 1959) shows:

The traditional slope of the British tie is down from right to left /// - so four of these
six ties are "correct". The opposite slope (\\\) is actually a predominantly American
style, and it's a puzzle as to how we have this mixture. The special Sixth Form ties don't show
this discrepancy, but judging from the ties' appearance in school photos here on the site (right
through to the '70s), about 25% of them sloped the "wrong" way.
When this first appeared on the site, I wondered if anyone knew why this should be. One theory
has since emerged.
The Girls' school used the same tie, but could it be that its design was deliberately sloping
the opposite way to the Boys' ties, and that this difference was not properly recognised? If
this were the case, photos of the Girls' school should show the opposite trend - and indeed,
based on the few photos I've looked at, they do.
Bill Lucas, Headmaster at the time the school moved to the new building in Harton, lived at
233 Sunderland Road. This meant that to get to the school he had to walk along Sunderland Road,
through to St Mary's Avenue, and then double back to the school's entrance. All a bit unnecessary
in his eyes, as his house backed onto one of the houses in St Mary's Avenue. So he came to an
arrangement with its owner (Carruthers, the builder) to have a gate into the back garden, thereby
giving him a short-cut to St Mary's Avenue and on to the school.
When the new building at Harton was being planned, the Old Boys' Association of Westoe School
organised fund raising to buy an organ for the new hall. Amongst other events, they organised
a Garden Fete in June, 1935, raising just over £100.
The organ (a "4-rank extension organ") was built in 1936 by Vincent Electric Organ
Co, of Sunderland. It was overhauled in 1947, and in 1954 it was moved when the hall was turned
through 90 degrees. The organ was overhauled in 1994, when a new action was fitted.
The school is unusual in that it has had very few Headmasters since its founding in 1885 -
in the 90 years to 1976, it had only 5!
The first was WH Philips, who gave way to GD Dakyns in 1890. When Dakyns moved on to become
headmaster of Morpeth Grammar in 1896, GR Kriwan took over. Kirwan died in 1919 and WT Lucas
became acting Head, and the following year was appointed as Headmaster.
Lucas oversaw the move to the new school at Harton, where he remained until his retirement
in 1955. His replacement, WE Egner, couldn't quite match his 36 years, retiring in 1976 after 21 years as the school's Head.
Of the 13 acre site, 10 acres were occupied by playing fields and tennis courts - there were
three rugby pitches, one soccer pitch, one fully-laid-out cricket pitch, a practice cricket
pitch and four hard tennis courts.
The back corridor is 445 feet long ... storage was provided for nearly 300 bicycles in different
parts of the site ... the main hall could seat 550 pupils.
The entrance hall is laid with York stone, and panelled in oak... the floors to corridors
and classrooms were laid with teak boards and blocks, and Australian jarrah (a variety of eucalyptus
tree, nothing to do with the town just west of Shields!) ... the main hall floor is American
oak ... the (small) gym floor is Canadian birch ... the roof is green Westmorland slate.
... was first performed in November, 1926, at the Speech Day. It was performed at every Speech
Day thereafter, until its final performance in November, 1968. However, it continued to be taught
to Sixth Formers until 1973. As far as I know, it has never been performed since.