South Shields Grammar-Technical School for Boys  
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Staff List
Last updated 16 February 2005

This is a summary of the known members of staff at Westoe, the Boys' High School and the Boys' Grammar-Technical School. Where they exist, links are provided to individual mini-biographies. Don't forget to let me know if you can add or correct any detail, particularly if you are one of the teachers listed!

Names Names in brackets are the forenames or nicknames by which the members of staff were usually known. Some female teachers are shown as "Ma", as they were addressed in their day.
Subjects These are intended just to indicate the general area of teaching. (pt) means part-time (HoD) indicates they became Head of Department. [ ] brackets indicate area of specialism (from university subjects) where the school subject isn't known.
Dates < means before, > means after, ~ means approx, (d) means they died "in service".
Adams, Gerard (Gerry) PE Sep1965 to >1988
Addison, Temple F C [Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry] Sep1947 to Apr1950
Aitchison, Alexander (Scratcher) Physics Sep1941 to Dec1959 (died: c Nov1976)
Alberg, Mrs Margaret Taylor (Maggie) French Sep1941 to Aug1947 (died: c Jan1970)
Alderson, Miss Elizabeth (Betty) English & Library Apr1972 to ~1985 (died: Aug1995)
Aldridge, Mrs Ann Home Economics (HoD) 1982 to >1988
Alexander, Miss Margaret E Craft & PE Sep1978 to Jul1992?
Allen, Ms P (Pat) [Pharmacology] Sep1973 to Mar1975
Anderson, Dennis B Art Sep1954 to 1966
Athané, Phillipe L French Assistant Sep1971 to Jul1972
Atkinson, Reginald M ("Tugger") [Physics, Mathematics] Sep1951 to Mar1953
Atkinson, Richard English ???
Backhouse, R ??? Jan1926 to >1932
Badger, Miss Anne English Sep1967 to May1968
Bage, Derek Science, Mathematics & Tech Drawing Jan1962 to Dec1967
Bainbridge, Tom Technician ???
Balfour, Anthony Mathematics Sep1961 to Jul1962
Barber, Brian S Science, Physics (HoD) Sep1958 to Jul1978
Barron, William (Bill) English Sep1978 to Jul1981?
Bate, Brian E Chemistry Jan1975 to <1979
Bates, Alan PE & Crafts (HoD) Sep1974 to >1988
Bell, Alan Physics Sep1965 to Jul1967
Bell, Mrs Dorothy (Dotty) Music, Scripture & English Sep1944 to Aug1946
Bell, Douglas W Junior Subjects (inc English) Sep1963 to Jul1965
Bennett, Alfred J Biology Sep1970 to Jul1975
Benson, Graham Chemistry Sep1982 to ~1983
Besford, Alan Mathematics & Computing Sep1970 to Mar1978
Betteridge, Frederick Headmaster {Westoe} 1904 to 1908
Billen, Bruce Mathematics Sep1973 to Jul93
Blackburn, Miss ??? 1922 to 1926
Blance, James M (Jim) History & Economics Sep1965 to Jul1973 (died: 24Jul2009)
Blenkinsop, T Stewart Music & Scripture Sep1946 to Dec1947 (died: c Mar1989)
Bloomfield, Ms Shirley ??? ???
Boad, Ms Christine Mathematics Sep1989 to
Bohill, Derek PE Sep1972 to
Bond, K ??? 1949 to
Bond, Marion F Modern Languages? ???
Books, Margery ??? ???
Boudinet, Jean C French Assistant 1962 to 1963
Bradfield, Ms Jane English Sep1978 to
Braid, Ms A (Ann) English Sep1978 to ~1982
Bramley, John PE Sep1954 to Jul1956
Braybrook, Ms Chris Deputy Head, Head of School 2002 to 2017
Bridges (nee Love), Mrs Hazel N Modern Languages Sep1968 to Dec1971
Briggs, Kenneth A   1977 to ????
Brooks, John Walter ("Boko") Applied Mathematics Dec1925 to Nov1948(d) (died: 2Nov1948)
Brooks, Ms M (Maggie) Remedial to Jul1998
Brown Scripture & English <1925>
Brown, GE (George) English Sep1968 to Jul1978
Brown, J Gordon (Jugger) English Sep1959 to Dec1970
Brown, Robert ??? May1949 to Jul1956
Brown, Robert Humanities Sep1976 to ????
Brown, Rodney Physics & Science Sep1989 to Jul1993
Brown, W Raymond (Ray) English & Remedial Sep1974 to
Bruce, Ms Joan M English, Library & Remedial Nov1970 to >1973 (died: 1Mar1980)
Bryan, Michael Music <1979 to >1988
Bryson, Ms Christine PE (HoD) Sep1978 to
Burns, Robert G [Mathematics & Computing] Jan1968 to Aug1968
Jan1972 to Jul1973
Burton, Peter J History Sep1968 to Jul1971
Caffery, E French Apr1934 to Apr1941 (died: c Jan2000)
Cairns, A (Tony) Classics, and Careers/Education advisor Sep1958 to Jul1991
Carlisle, A (Tony) PE (HoD) ???
Carr, A (Tony) English ???
Carr, Ms FA Latin Sep1968 to Dec1968
Carr, GA (George) Woodwork Jan1959 to Jun1968 (died: Jun1978)
Chalder, Ms A (Avril) Geography ???
Chapman, Raymond Elmer Mathematics Aug1933 to Aug1943 (died: c Jun1992)
Cherry, John English & Games Sep1931 to Apr1944 (died: c Apr1987)
Clark, Ms B (Barbara) ??? Sep1968 to Dec1968
Clarke, DJM (Don) Mathematics Sep1967 to Jul1975
Coe, J Physics & Mathematics Sep1950 to Dec1956
Coggon, R (Ray) Geography & PE Sep1958 to 1998?
Cahuet, JCER French Assistant Sep1967 to Jul1968
Carlier, JPJ French Assistant Sep1974 to Mar1975
Chesborough, C (Colin) Geography (HoD 1990, Head of Year from 2000) <1990 to present
Chilton, Ms L (Leslie) Home Economics ???
Clayton, J (John) Mathematics ???
Codling, Ms V (Val) Music ???
Cohuet, MC French Assistant Sep1967 to Jul1968
Connolly, Ms MA (see Leach) ??? Apr1974 to Mar1975
Constable, C (Charlie) History (HoD) Oct1930 to Jul1970 (died: c Feb1997)
Corner Groundsman to 1931
Couper, Miss P (Pam) Languages Sep1972 to Jul1974
Courtney, DJ (Don) Physics Sep1975 to
Cousins, AW Languages (German) Sep1947 to Jul1951 (died: c Feb1992)
Covington English to 1929
Crawford, K (Ken) Geography & Head of Junior School Jan1961 to Aug1964 (died: c Jan1995)
Crosby, Albert Mathematics May1958 to Dec1960
Cummings, Donald ("Soapy") Chemistry Sep1959 to 1961
Cunningham, Ian Gordon History Sep1960 to May1962
Curry, Ms B (Beryl) Mathematics Sep1978 to
Cuthbert, Ms L (Lynne) Physics ???
Dakyns, George Doherty Headmaster 1884 to 1894 (died: 22Apr1939)
Daines, I (Ian) History/Humanities Sep1972 to Jul1975
Dale, E (Eric) Biology (HoD) Sep1960 to Jul1965
Daley, B (Barry) Biology ???
Darnton LB (Les, "Debbie") Physics & Gen Science Sep1958 to Jul1970 (died: c Nov1975)
Davey, J (Jim) English Sep1947 to Jun1966(d) (died: 26Jun1966)
Davies English <1957>
Daw, A (Alan) Geography (HoD) to Jul 1989
Dearden, R (Bob) PE Sep1966 to Apr1968
Denham, HA Senior Science Master <1903 to 1905
Detrois, I German Assistant Sep1975 to Jul1976
Dickinson, WH (Harry) Modern Languages (HoD) Sep1947 to >1973 (died: c Apr2000)
Dickson, JE Physics Jan1969 to Apr1973
Dixon, C (Colin) Mathematics (HoD) Sep1957 to 1971
Dixon, R (Robert) Biology Jan1973 to Jul1977
Dobson, JD (Jack) English Sep1975 to
Dodd, Joseph Handicrafts Sep1953 to Jul1958 (died: cOct2002)
Dolan, D (Dennis) Deputy Headmaster ???
Donkin, Ms T (Theresa) Mathematics ???
Douglas, R (Ron) Technician ???
Drake, Miss DW see Furnley    
Dryden, A ??? Sep1973 to Jul1974
Dumble, W (Bill) English ???
Duns, MC (Ma) German & French Sep1945 to Aug1947
Dunstan, FW (Frank, "Pablo", "Dopey") Latin & Classics (HoD) Feb1939 to Sep1940 &
Jan1946 to Jul1975
Dyson, C (Chris) Modern Languages Sep1968 to Aug1972
Eadington, WR (Ron, "Batman") Physics (HoD) Sep1957 to Jul1987
Edwardson, R ??? Apr1976 to Jul1976
Egner, WE (Bill, Will) Headmaster Sep1955 to Mar1976 (died: c Feb1997)
Elliott, KH Physics & Chemistry Apr1968 to Mar1969
Ellis Manual Instructor <1928>
Ellis, Ma ??? 1920 to 1921
Ellis, HA ("Tarzan") Mathematics & Deputy Headmaster Jun1922 to Aug1962 (died: c Jan1978)
Emerson, JIA (Jimmy) Geography, PE, Head of Middle School, Deputy Head, Acting Head Sep1947 to Sep1984? (died: c Apr1978)
Mrs Emslie, A (Avril) Computer Studies Jun1966 to Jul1970
Evans, RH (Richard) Biology Sep1975 to Dec1988
Fairlamb, GW (Geoff) PE Apr1968 to Jul1969
Faulkner, M Miss [Latin & Greek] Aug1972 to Aug1974
Felton ??? 1967 to <1972
Felton, MJ (Mike) History Sep1963 to Sep1969

Fernley [nee Drake], Mrs DW (Denise)

Modern Languages Sep1972 to
Fitzpatrick, CM (Colin) Biology Sep1968 to Dec1972
Fitzpatrick, Ms S (Sheila) English Sep1978 to Jul1991
Fletcher, EA Mathematics Sep1963 to Jul1967
Fomison, SH ("Joe Rock") [Modern Languages] Sep1924 to Sug1943 (died: c Oct1969)
Ford, J (John) Modern Languages (French & Russian) Sep1967 to >1972
Fox, EM (Malcolm) PE (HoD) Jan1963 to Jul1966 &
Sep1970 to Jul1978
Freeman, RJ Science Jan1962 to Jul1962
Frolich, DH Biology Jan1956 to Jul1956
Futter, W (Wynne) Deputy Head Sep1978
Garbutt, P (Paul) Technician to Sep1992?
Garfitt, W (Bill) L General Science Sep1956 to Sep1958
Garton, AN (Alan) Physics Sep1974 to Jul1989
Gaught, AS Dr Geography Sep1934 to Aug1941 (died: c Oct1979)
Gibson, Ken Mathematics (HoD 1992), Deputy Head (1999) & Head (2003) to present
Gillitt ??? (replaced Ward) Jan1928
Gill, E Art Sep1930 to Aug1950 (died: c Apr1980)
Gill, R (Bob) Art (HoD) ???
Glanville, A ??? Sep1964 to 1966
Goodsir, John Brodie (Jack) Crafts (HoD) Sep1956 to Apr1976 (died c Jan1994)
Gordon, R (Rob) Geography ???
Goudie, Ms AE ("Ma") Languages (French), English & Speech Training Sep1943 to Aug1947 (died: c Nov1999)
Graham, WG (Bill) Economics & Humanities ???
Graham, D (Don) Modern Languages 1976 to Jul1989
Graham, Keith Art (HoD) ???
Graysham, Leonard ("Fungo") Mathematics & Religious Education Oct1920 to Aug1944
Grayson, Robinson PE Sep1947 to Aug1950 (died: c Oct1975)
Greaves, UF Mrs Library & Drama Sep1969 to Aug1972
Green, HM (Howard) Physics & Mathematics Sep1966 to Mar1968
Grey, FG (Fred, "Basher") English (HoD), PE, Latin & Physics Se1938 to Apr1976 (died: c Feb1997)
Griffiths ("Taffy") French 1926 to >1932
Hall, AA (Tanker) Music & Physics Mar1915 to Mar1946 (died: c Feb1961)
Halliday, P Mathematics <1956>
Halling, Ronald ("Pop") Mathematics Sep1951 to Dec1956
Harding, Wilfred (Wilf, "The Jap") Deputy Headmaster Sep1962 to Jul1966
Hargreaves, Mrs Beryl ??? Sep1944 to Dec1945 (died: c Oct2000)
Harrison, I (Ian) RE Sep1978 to Jul1989
Hartis, I (Ian) Mathematics Sep1973 to Jul1989
Hay, AT (Tim) PE Apr1969 to Jul1971
Sep1973 to Aug1974
Headley, A (Alf, "Pan") English, Head of 6th, Deputy Head (1966) Sep1932 to Aug1941 &
Feb1946 to Jul1970 (died: c Oct1976)
Heazlett, WJ (Bill) PE (from Australia on exchange) 1972 to 1973
Henderson, DI English & History Jan1959 to Jul1960
Heppell, R (Ray) Head of 6th & Careers Counselling Jan1967 to Dec1971
Heslop, TR Art Sep1922 to
Hewitt, RM (Reginald Mainwaring) History 1911 to 1913
Hindle, F (Frank) Computing ???
Hodgson, Raymond (Ray) Chemistry Sep1973 to Dec1974
Holliday, Parker Mathematics Jan1956 to Jul1960
Holmes, Norman Mathematics ??? to c1988
Hopkins, Lionel Arthur W J ("Hoppy") Languages (French & German) Jan1934 to Aug1945 (died: c Jan2001)
Howey, John Richard (Jack) Physics Sep1959 to Dec1962
Hubbard Groundsman 1932 to
Hubbard, JA English Jan1960 to Dec1962
Hubbick, J Physical Education & Biology Oct1956 to Dec1960
Hume, R (Bob) History to Jul1989
Humphrey, N (Norman) Mathematics Sep1965 to Jul1991
Hunt, M (Malcolm) Computing ???
Hunter, RE ("Biol Bob") Biology Oct1918 to Apr1948
Hunter, William (Bill, "Beaky") Mathematics Feb1946 to ?
Hunter, William Miller ("Squeaky") Geography May1924 to Oct1948
Hurst, George ("Geordie") English & Library (pt) Dec1962 to Jul1969 (died: c Aug1995)
Hutchinson, SA (Stan) History and Deputy Head to present
Ibbertson, R Science & Mathematics Sep1957 to Jul1959
Jackaman, JN (James) Music Mar1947 to Jul1964 (died: c Jan1981)
Jackson, A (Alan) History Sep1961 to Jul1963
Jackson, R (Bob) Physics & Mathematics Sep1962 to Jul1965
Jarvis, P (Paul) History ???
Jefferson, Charles William ("Jeffers") Technical Subjects (woodwork & engineering drawing) Apr1932 to Oct1956 (died: c May1958)
Jezequel, Monsieur A (Alain) French Assistant Sep1973 to Jul1974
Johnson, BJ ??? Sep1950 to Dec1957
Johnson, K (Keith) Technician ???
Jones ??? to Dec1925
Josephs, Arnold Geography & Sports Sep1919 to Jul1956 (died: 9Jan1983)
Joyce, Lawrence Sanderson ("Hopper") Physics Sep1930 to Dec1945 (died: c Jan1982)
Kavanagh, Gordon Longstaff PE (& French) Jan1951 to Apr1957 (died: c Jan2003)
Kennedy, Mrs A Peripatetic Violin Teacher <1969 to >1971
King, I (Ian) Chemistry to Jul1985
Kirtley, RB (Bob) Craft Sep1968 to Jul1973
Kirwan, George Richard Headmaster ~1895 to 1919(d)   (died: 22Jun1919)
Kyriakides, AK Science Jun1963 to Apr1968
Lamb, Ms DA (Dorothy) English Sep1970 to Dec1972
Lamb, RJ (John) English Sep1971 to Jul1993
Laurenson French <1957>
Lawrenson, Andrew English Sep1941 to Dec1974 (died: 27Sep1975)
Lawrenson, RS Scripture & Physics <1925>
Lawrenson, Thomas (Tom) Mathematics Jan1957 to Aug1963 (died: 2Apr1964)
Lawrenson, TA Headmaster of Westoe Secondary School 1906 to 1934
Lawson, Barry Technician ???
Leach (nee Connolly), Mrs MA ??? Apr1974 to Mar1975
Leadbitter, Joseph C (Joe) Craft ??? (died: c Aug1995)
Lewis, Ms Stephanie Home Economics (HoD) ???
Lishman, W ??? 1920 to 1923
Love, Ms HN (see Bridges)    
Lovell, E ??? Sep1959 to 1961
Lucas, William Thornton ("Pop") Mathematics & Headmaster Jan1912 to Aug1955 (died: c Jan1960)
Lynch, Ms Denise English ???
Lynch, Harry Art (HoD 1989) <1989 to present
Lyons, John C Art Sep1965 to Apr1967
Madden, Miss Florence Louisa French Sep1927 to Aug1939 &
Jan1941 to Aug1945 (died: cDec1992)
Maes, Frank Chemistry (American teacher on exchange) Sep1966 to Jun1967
Maignan, M (Michel) French Assistant Sep1969 to Jul1970
Mainprize French (temp for Mr Griffiths) <1928>
Major Mathematics c1918 to 1921?
Malpas Ms Vera Orinthia ( "Ma") English, Art & Biology Jan1943 to Aug1938 &
Sep1941 to Aug1947 (died: c Jan1985)
Marshall, RL ??? Jan1917
Marston, MR ??? Apr1976 to
Mart, Rev Arthur RE (HoD) Sep1960 to Jul1973 (died: c Jan1982)
Maskell, A Caretaker <1954 to >1960
Mason, Robert Henry (Bob) Art (HoD) May1954 to Jul1986
Mayne, Brian J Music Sep1975 to
McArdle, Peter ("Pokey") Physics (HoD) Sep1947 to Jul1975 (died: c May1994)
McDonald, Ms Janice Mathematics ???
McDonald, Angus Craft ???
McDonald, Wilfred Gordon (Wilf) Craft Sep1955 to Jul1978 (died: c Jun2000)
McDougall, Hugh Chemistry (HoD) Jan1946 to Jul1970 (died: c Aug1985)
McGlasham, John George ("Flash") Metalwork & Maths Jan1961 to >1977 (died: Nov1997)
McNeaney, Peter ("Mr Mack") Chemistry & Biology (& Scout Leader) Sep1949 to Apr1956
McQueen, Alan Hugh ("Archie") Physical Education Sep1934 to Feb1946 (died: c Jan1974)
Meadows, Joseph ??? Jan1958 to Jul1959 (died: c Jan1990)
Melvin, Ms Helen English Jan1973 to Jul1978
Miller, Alan Biology Jun1965 to Jul1966
Miller, David History Sep1973 to
Miller, Ms Denise Biology (HoD 1995) <1995 to present
Miller, RJG Technical Subjects Sep1952 to Dec1961
Miller, T ??? (Supply Teacher) Apr1975 to Jun1975
Mitcheson, S (Sid) Biology to Sep1989
Moffatt, William Rutter ("Physy Miff") Physics Oct1919 to Dec1945 (died: c Oct1953)
Moore, R Woodwork & Metalwork Sep1954 to 1960
Muller, GHRM Modern Languages Sep1963 to Dec1965
Morris, TN Mathematics & PE Apr1948 to Sep1949
Moxon, PM (Paul) Mathematics Sep1972 to
Moyse, AR English Sep1954 to Mar1960 (died: Apr1993)
Muckle Latin <1925>
Mulholland, T (Tom) Chemistry & Crafts to Jul1993
Mullen, Ms E (Liz) English ???
Murphy, Ms TM ??? Sep1975 to
Murray, AA Geography Oct1941 to Jul1958
Murray, Ms Margeret Catherine ("Ma") Mathematics Sep1945 to Aug1947 (died: c Sep1991)
Murray, William Woodwork & metalwork Mar1911 to Aug1952 (died: c Jul1971)
Myers, G (Geoff) Physics Sep1965 to Jul1966
Nesbitt, TN (Tom) Mathematics Sep1967 to Dec1973
Newby, TE Chemistry; Headmaster at Westoe; Deputy Head at High School Apr1913 to Dec1945 (died: c Jan1953)
Nichol, Ms J (Jill) Home Economics to Jul1992
Nicholson Languages? 1920 to 1924
Nicholson, G (Gary) Craft ???
Nolan, Ms AE French Sep1974 to Oct1974
Norton, N PE Jan1961 to Jul1962
Nyland, Thomas (Tom) Mathematics Sep1980 to Jun1994 (d)
Oakley, RP (Ron) Mathematics Sep1960 to Jul1965
Oley, REF ??? Nov1948 to Oct1969
O'Neil, Joseph William Headmaster Apr1976? to Dec1987
Orme, DN Biology & Chemistry Jul1975 to Dec1977
Ormond, DA Miss English 1970
Oxtoby ??? <1924>
Palmer, IP Mrs ??? Oct1940 to Aug1941
Palmer, L (Les) Physics (supply) ???
Parnaby, D (Dave) PE Sep1969 to Mar1972
Partington, J Science Dec1959 to Dec1962
Pearse, RR Mathematics <1921>
Pearson, EA ??? Sep1965 to Jul1968
Pearson, WH (Bill) Modern Languages (French & Russian) Sep1957 to Jul1967
Peel (Codger) Caretaker ~1940
Petty, JD
("Jimmy Dooty", "Pa Petty")
Classics & Chemistry Seo1923 to Aug1947 (died: c May1977)
Pearson, EA ??? Sep1965 to Jul1968
Phillips, William Hibbert Headmaster May1885 to Dec1889
Pilbin, John Mathematics {from Westoe} Sep1920 to Dec1937(d)  (died: 10Dec1937)
Pilkington, Ms M (Margaret) History, Head of 6th Sep1978 to Jul1989
Pilkington, R (Richard) Physics May1967 to Jul1974
Poll, E English & French Sep1951 to Aug1954
Pollard, GM (Gordon) Modern Languages & Classics Sep1961 to Jul1977
Potet, JPG French Assistant Sep1965 to Jul1966
Pratt, K Modern Languages & Humanities (pt) <1970 to 1972
Price, JN English Sep1966 to Jul1967
Price, ND (Nigel) Economics Jul1975 to Jul1988
Pritchard, Mrs E B Y (Betty) Modern Languages (pt) Mar1971 to 1990
Pullan, D (Dave, "Jasper") Chemistry Jan1974 to
Purvis, SJ Science Sep1956 to Jul1957
Redding, IG (Ian) Mathematics Sep1962 to Jul1965
Redpath, FM (Miles, "Rolph") Chemistry Sep1968 to Aug1972
Reid, M Mrs ??? Apr1944 to Aug1945
Renaut, RW (Bob) Art Sep1967 to 1971
Rennison, PB ??? Sep1952 to Apr1954
Renwick, GR Rev. Divinity Sep1957 to Nov1957
Revell, G Classics, Soccer & Librarian Sep1931 to Jan1939 (died: Jun1985)
Richards, H (Howard) Modern Languages to 2000
Richardson, D ??? Sep1958 to Jul1960
Richardson, Ms M (Marjorie) English Sep1978 to
Riddle, J RE Sep1954 to Dec1956
Robb, IA Art Jan1976 to Apr1976
Robe, D ??? 1949 to
Roberts, JE Science, Mathematics & Tech Drawing Jan1962 to 1963
Robertson, Ms C (Carol) Chemistry Sep1989 to
Robertson, R Science & Mathematics Sep1957 to
Robinson, M Mathematics May1965 to Dec1966
Robson Scripture <1925>
Robson, W (Wally) History (HoD) & Dep Head Sep1962 to Jul1978
Romanis, W German Sep1951 to Dec1959
Rosser, WE ??? Sep1958 to Mar1959
Rothnie, R Asst Scout Leader (not staff) 1954 to 1958
Rothwell, A (Alan, Skip) Mathematics (& Scout Leader) Sep1956 to Jul1958
Roy, JLM French Assistant Sep1972 to Jul1973
Scaife, K (Ken) Physics Sep1976 to 1999
Scott, RL (Roger) Modern Languages Sep1960 to Aug1964
Scott, Alexander Headmaster {Westoe} 1890 to 1904
Scott, A (Alan) Library ???
Seago, Ms M (Maureen) Art & Head of Juniors Sep1978 to Jul1989
Seaword, L (Les) Geography (HoD) & Drama Sep1945 to Dec1967
Shedden, JA (Tony) Music Sep1973 to Jul1975
Shenton, K (Ken) Head of Section, Head of 6th Form, Deputy Head ???
Shipley, GH (George) Library (pt) Sep1967 to Oct1975
Sim, PW (Paul) Physics Sep1973 to >1977
Simpson, D Mathematics & Science Sep1963 to 7Jul1965
Skilling, Dr E (Edward, "Doc") Modern Languages (HoD) May1941 to Dec1971 (died: c Jan1978)
Slater, KC (Ken) Modern Languages (HoD), Head of Juniors, Head of Middle School Sep1953 to >1973
Slater, Ms L (Lorna) Biology to Jul1991
Sloan, GT (Geoff) Art Sep1971 to Dec1974
Smail, O French Assistant Sep1975 to Jul1976
Smith, A Physics May1960 to Dec1961
Smith, GM Ms ??? Sep1975 to Mar1977
Smith, Ms J (Judith) Home Economics ???
Smith, Keith Morrison History, Head of 6th, Dep Head, Acting Head, Headmaster Sep1969 to Dec1999
Smith, W (Bill) Technician ???
Snowdon, RA (Albyn) History Sep1971 to Apr1976
Snowdon, WH Mathematics Nov1944 to Aug1947
Souter, LM (Les) Mathematics May1963 to Aug1972 (died: c Jan1991(
Spours, T (Tom) Chemistry ???
Stainthorpe, KR Chemistry Sep1947 to Jan1950
Stanton, D (Dave) Mathematics ???
Stanton, L (Leslie) Modern Languages ???
Stephenson, H (Harry) Art Sep1927 to Jun1954(d)
Stobbs, N (Neil) T General Science (& Scout Leader) Sep1956 to Apr1958
Stockburn, W (Walter) Technician ???
Storey, A (Andy) Craft ???
Stothart, Ms A (Ann) ??? Apr1975 to Jun1975
Sutcliffe, RSG (Roger) PE & Mathematics Sep1962 to Aug1964
Swinburne, G (George) Physics Sep1989 to
Taylor, GH ??? Sep1952 to Aug1953
Taylor, A ??? Sep1936 to Jul1946
Thomas, L (Les) Physics Sep1989 to 1995
Thompson, A (Alan) PE & Mathematics Sep1962 to Mar1969
Thompson, B E (Brian, "Betty") Chemisty (HoD) & PE Jul1960 to Jul1989
(inc 1 year US exchange 1966/7)
Thomson, J ("Jock") Religious Education Sep1960 to >1972
Thornton, R ??? Jan1950 to Jul1951
Thurlbeck, LW (Les) Biology (HoD) Aug1966 to Jul1987 (died: 31Sep2013)
Thwaites, Alan ("Hot-lips") Chemistry Sep1962 to Jul1989
Todd, Robert (Bob) Music (Peripatetic violin teacher) <1972>
Todd, T Mathematics Apr1953 to Dec1956
Tomkins, Alfred Manual Instructor 1930 to Mar1932(d)
Tovey, Dr D (Dave) Biology Sep1986 to
Traill, B (Brian) Physics to Jul1989
Travers, Dr NF (Neil) Chemistry Sep1972 to Dec1973
Trewhitt, K (Keith) Music Sep1964 to Jul1973
Tuff, JH (Tuffy) Physics Sep1943 to Mar1947
Tuff, SM Mathematics & Physics Sep1954 to Jul1958
Tunnicliffe, KI (Ian) Mathematics, Head of Middle School, Dep Head, Headmaster Apr1967 to Jul2003
Turnbull, A (Ashley) Craft (Woodwork) ???
Turmer, Philip Headmaster Jan1987 to 1994
Tyrrell, JT Science Sep1958 to Dec1961
Veitch, DJ (Doug) Art (HoD) Jan1975 to Jul1989
Veitch, E Chemistry Sep1952 to ~1961 (died: c Feb1999)
Vigou, JH French Assistand Sep1966 to Jul1967
Wade, FS (Piggy) History & Careers Sep1925 to Feb1951 (died: cOct1965)
Waite, TB (Brian, "Septic") RE Sep1973 to
Wake, HC (Harry) History (HoD), PE, Head of Middle School Sep1951 to >1973 (died: cMay1985)
Walmsley, Ms B (Barbara) ??? (pt) Oct1974 to Mar1975
Walton, JE Mathematics Sep1953 to Jul1957
Ward ??? to Dec1927
Ward, John Physics Jan1946 to Apr1949
Wardle, Harold (Harry) Temple Economics & Head of Juniors Sep1965 to Mar1972
Watson, Anthony (Tony, "Winker") Mathematics & Computing (HoD), Deputy Headmaster Sep1964 to Jul1992
Watson, JE ("Jewie") Physics Jan1950 to ~1957
Watson, JN (Jimmy, Jim) Geography, Head of Juniors Jan1965 to Jul1970
Welsh, P (Paul) Modern Languages Jan1960 to Jul1965
Wesencracft, FP ("Spuggy") PE, Physics & Chemistry (& Group Scout Leader) Oct1924 to Dec1950 (died: c May1989)
White, JU Ms German Assistant Sep1974 to Apr1975
Wilford, D ??? Sep1954 to Dec1957
Wilkinson, G (Geoff) French (& History?) Sep1965 to Jul1968
Williams, Ms P (Paula) Biology, Deputy Headmaster Sep1990 to Dec1998
Wilson, D (Dave) Chemistry (HoD) Sep1970 to Jul1973
Wilson, DR (Dave) Modern Languages & Classics Sep1971 to
Winlo Chemsistry & Physics <1925>
Witherington, Kenneth PE May1959 to Dec1962
Wood Drama?? <1921>
Worden, D Technical Subjects Sep1962 to Jul1966
Young, JR (Ray) Geography (HoD) Jan1968 to >1972 (died: c May1998)
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